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  Directions 11

  Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the two pictures,

  2. give the reasons of such a phenomenon, and

  3. list possible solutions.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.




  In the first picture, two persons are talking loudly in the library as if they were the only persons there. In the second picture, a man is talking happily on the phone in the cinema, while a film is on. From these two pictures, we come across such people who are so selfish as to always think of themselves instead of others on the one hand, and who are so bold as to defy those rules and regulations on the other hand.

  Why do they behave in this way? On the one hand, they are brought up in such a way as to take their own interests into consideration whenever anything arises. This may not be the original purpose of parents and teachers, but this is largely the result of today’s education. Children learn from what adults do, not what they say. Years of teaching in class and family may tell them how to do, but hours of reallife practice may be more influential. On the other hand, they are brought up in such a way as not to take rules and regulations seriously. In their belief, rules and regulations only restrain those silly people, and the violation of them can be both exciting and admirable.

  To solve this problem, all of us have a long way to go. First, teachers and parents should act in such a way to teach young children to always take others into consideration whenever they take action. Second, the authorities should severely punish anyone who violates rules and regulations. To protect the rights of more people, such punishment is more than necessary.


  第一段先用两句话描述两幅图画,而后用一句话做总结,用on the one hand和on the other hand将问题的两个方面清晰地表达了出来。

  第二段的首句没有使用传统的表示原因的模板句,如The reasons for this phenomenon are twofold / threefold.而是用了一个设问句,使行文显得生动活泼。之后分两个方面来说明为何他们会自私和不遵守规则。






  Directions 12

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture,

  2. interpret their meaning, and

  3. make your comment on this phenomenon.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.



  笔记本电脑可以写作laptop computer, portable computer, notebook computer, notebook PC,在文中应替换使用。


  In the above picture a university student is phoning his mother, “In order to make progress in my study, I want to buy a laptop computer.”

  Is a laptop computer indispensable? Does a laptop computer mean greater possibility of academic excellence? Does a student without a laptop computer have no chance of success? It is obvious that the drawer wants all of us to think deeply before providing the answer. To reach a reasonable conclusion, we should analyze this problem from two perspectives.

  On the one hand, we cannot guarantee that the student will use the portable computer solely for studyrelated purposes. Most of them have not lived independently, so they do not know how hard it is to make a living. Once they have the computer at hand, those students who lack selfcontrol may be indulged in computer games or online chatting, which will waste their time and affect their health.

  On the other hand, a student without a notebook computer can also be a top student. Sometimes students do need computers to finish assignments, and the computer rooms on campus can often meet that purpose. For those students whose majors call for frequent use of computers, they also can buy the desktop one, which is much cheaper.

  After careful consideration, we should say that the luxurious learning equipment such as a laptop computer is not necessary unless the parents can easily afford it and the student uses it only to facilitate his work and study.









  文章中有许多优秀的词组与句型,下面以第三段为例,希望大家用心识记。该段第一句中的guarantee表示“保证”,use...solely for studyrelated purposes表示“只用于学习相关的目的”,是个很地道的表达方式。第二句比较难以表达,如果这样写就不严谨:They have not earned money, so they do not know how hard it is to make a living.建议改作范文中的写法,或者:Most of them have not lived on their own, so they do not know how hard it is to earn money.

  写作中的推敲琢磨很重要,我们一边学习、模仿别人的文章,磨砺、比较自己的写法,这样就一定能获得进步。第三句使用了once引导的时间状语从句,使得时间接续非常紧密,而后使用at hand表示“得到”,非常精妙,远胜于普通的写法:Once they have bought the computer, ...句中使用定语从句who lack selfcontrol是严谨的写法,因为并不是所有的学生都会沉湎于坏习惯中。后面的be indulged in表示“沉湎于”,句子最后使用了非限制性定语从句,分两个方面说明危害。

  Directions 13

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture,

  2. point out the reasons for this phenomenon,and

  3. suggest possible solutions.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.





  In the above picture, a mother is seeing her son off at a railway station. It is most likely that the son is traveling by himself for the first time. We are most surprised to notice what the mother says: “My son, all of the people on the train are vicious, so be careful to protect yourself.”

  Although this mother is radical to some extent, this picture reflects a worrying social problem—loss of social trust. Three reasons, in my belief, can account for the current phenomenon. First, when economy develops quickly and resources become more and more limited, social competition will become more and more fierce, and people will concentrate on the protection of personal interests. Second, the present education puts emphasis on knowledge and skills instead of morality and ethics. Last but not the least, sometimes the mass media play a negative role in focusing on the dark side of society, such as murder and robbery.

  It is high time that we called on the efforts from all sides to solve this problem quickly and effectively. In the first place, teachers and parents should try their best to cultivate love, affection and unselfishness in the hearts of adolescents. In the second place, the government, with the help of the mass media, should play a dominant role in the making of a harmonious society. When every one of us participates in this campaign, the restoration of mutual trust will not be far away.





  When every one of us participates in this campaign, the dream of the restoration of mutual trust will be realized in the near future.

  Directions 14

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture,

  2. point out the reasons for this phenomenon,and

  3. suggest possible solutions.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.




  In the above picture, a student has got 68 in an examination, but he asks the teacher to give him 80, for he wants to get the title of an excellent student. Looking at the picture, we can’t help thinking of the more and more serious phenomenon of students’ going to the teacher directly for higher grades.

  Schools are places where students learn knowledge and acquire skills, but some students never devote themselves to such an arduous yet enjoyable process. When the examination season arrives, they are busy searching for various methods to get satisfactory grades. Some stay up late to memorize as much knowledge as possible. Some even cheat in examinations in order to win ideal marks. Others go directly to the teachers, begging them to let them pass. In extreme cases, some students tell the teachers directly that they need a certain mark for a certain purpose.

  Such practices deprive national education of fairness and dignity. To prevent them from spreading, teachers should first of all take on their responsibilities. They should reject such students firmly and directly. If the students continue disturbing them with their unreasonable requests, the teachers should report to the school authorities. On this occasion, the school authorities should severely punish these students and those who help them in the efforts.

  If young students are used to achieving personal goals through unjust methods, when can we stop worrying about their future?










  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. give your comment;

  3. suggest possible solutions.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.




  In the above picture, a student goes to a fortune teller to ask whether she will succeed or not in the coming College Entrance Examination. It is obvious that the drawer wishes all of us to ponder over this social phenomenon, which is becoming more and more common nowadays.

  I myself see no point in going to a fortune teller. First, life is always full of accidents and coincidences, and how can the fortune teller know a person’s life route exactly? Second, if we knew our fortune and believed it, we would only wait for it to happen—when life is deprived of challenges and surprises, is it still worth living?

  To eliminate fortune tellers we have to persuade people not to go to them any longer. To begin with, we should explain why fortune telling is unreliable, and why finding a forture teller is a waste of time and energy. What’s more important, we should help people understand that everyone is the architect of his own future—only through diligence and persistence can he realize his dreams.

  The meaning of life lies largely in the process of struggle and endurance. We have to improve our education to help young people fight for their ideals so as to forget fortune telling.










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