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  【题目要求】 WRITING (50 points)

  The graphs below give information about waste generation. Summarise the information reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 200 words。







  On Waste Generation

  A series of charts provides information on waste generation across the globe and in three individual countries. From the graphs, it is seen that huge amounts of waste are being produced and waste production will continue to be a serious problem in the years to come。

  According to the pie chart, the total waste generation on earth reaches 2.12 tons in 2007. Middle-income countries account for nearly half of it, high-income and low-income countries about a quarter respectively. However, judging from the perspective of individual waste generation, people in high-income countries are more responsible, with nearly 1.5 kilograms of waste generated per person per day. In comparison, people in middle- and low-income countries are less responsible for producing waste, about 0.8 and 0.6 kilogram’s per capita waste production each day in 2007, as shown in the bar chart. Population in middle-income countries is far larger than that of high-income ones; therefore, a bigger proportion of the gross value of waste generation is taken up by middle-income countries。

  The line chart shows the prediction of waste production in China, the United States and India, in the coming years. China has the sharpest increase compared with the other two countries, possibly reaching 500 million tons in the year 2030. The annual waste generation of the United States will remain stable around 200 tons, with just a slight rise each year. As for India, the figure starts low in 2000, but has a growing tendency and will surpass the US around 2020. Both the US and India are below China most of the time in terms of waste generation。

  Measures should be taken to cope with this serious problem. Our country, with a large population and a large potential of generating wastes, should assume the responsibility to combat it; it is hoped that we can slow down the increase。


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