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友情提示:本站提供全国400多所高等院校招收硕士、博士研究生入学考试历年考研真题、考博真题、答案,部分学校更新至2012年,2013年;均提供收费下载。 下载流程: 考研真题 点击“考研试卷””下载; 考博真题 点击“考博试卷库” 下载 

  Directions: Fill in the blanks with suitable words and expressions from the list given below. Change the form where necessary.

  A. generously  bracket  pry  employment  physically  chuckle  deadline  endeavor identify prospective  partner  incidentally  applicant  grill  partition

  1. It is believed that working under pressure to meet a          has a motivating effect.                                                                           2. When her parents left, Hilda's teacher started ________ her on why she had missed so many classes。

  3. Firefighters worked for two hours to rescue people trapped in the bus and they were eventually rewarded for their          and spirit。

  4. Nursing has been traditionally done by women and it is,        , a career in which women are making particular headway。

  5. Employers shouldn't try to          into what a person does in the privacy of their own home。

  6. Writing a resume of your achievements that will make a          employer want to meet you requires practice。

  7. Several companies have produced pension plans specifically for people in the higher income tax         。

  8. As the music was loud in the car, I almost did not hear the couple quarreling behind the         。

  9. It is the doctor’s advice to get enough exercise during the day to be          as well as mentally tired。

  10. When she danced, the girl looked nervous because she had been told not to step on her ________ toes。

  B. in the neighborhood of  as I see it   help oneself to   go after   beyond anyone’s wildest

  dreams   make a difference  in the hands of   call on   as the saying goes   follow up

  take a crack at   do one’s homework

  1.Norman Lear had a guiding vision, a belief in himself, a belief that he could          。

  2.Make sure what you need most before you decide whether to          the job or not。

  3.This experiment was quickly          by others using different forms of the drug。

  4。“Getting a job” is a bad example of a reward, because you do not have total control over it—it is          the employer。

  5.We had to          before starting our long journey west。

  6.         , education is the most important factor in determining a person’s social role and economic prospects。

  7.The painting is supposed to be worth something          $3000。

  8.Though being short of funds, they still decided to          climbing that mountain。

  9.The teacher promised to          me before he left for New York。

  10.The hostess told the baby-sitter on the phone to          anything she liked on the table。


  A.  1. deadline  2. grilling  3. endeavor  4. incidentally  5. pry

  6. prospective  7. bracket  8. partition  9. physically     10. partner's

  B.1. make a difference  2. go after  3. followed up  4. in the hands of

  5. do our homework  6. As I see it   7. in the neighborhood of

  8. take a crack at  9. call on   10. help herself to


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