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普通文章 上海市50家单位网上接受咨询和报名
普通文章 北京大学生“就业之家”研究生专场招聘场面火爆
普通文章 厦大女研究生被杀案终审判决 凶手被判死刑
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普通文章 2004年硕士北京招生单位报名点一览
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普通文章 广西大学04年硕士研究生调剂信息

友情提示:本站提供全国400多所高等院校招收硕士、博士研究生入学考试历年考研真题、考博真题、答案,部分学校更新至2012年,2013年;均提供收费下载。 下载流程: 考研真题 点击“考研试卷””下载; 考博真题 点击“考博试卷库” 下载 

  Internet and Our Life

  Internet is now one of the best forms of media, with its swiftness and interactivity. Internet is becoming the foundation of our modern society.

  With the assistance of Internet, more people can now communicate with one another more freely and quickly. Internet also serves to be a great source of wisdom and creation. It is already becoming the electronic library of the future, giving vent to creativity and ingenuity unparalleled in human history. But Internet is a double-bladed sword. Its ability to distribute information and connect people around the world is often abused by us. Junk mail proliferates the Internet. Every year, many young people are deceived by their online friends…… The damage we have suffered from Internet is also too severe to recover.

  Indeed, Internet access connects many of us to a world of information at the touch of a button. Internet is such an integral part of our life. In order to have Internet serve us human-beings well, we must not take its negative sides for granted. Web sites, especially the web sites available to the young children, must be strictly censored. It’s time we took effective measures to minimize the side effects of Internet.

  Women, Second-class Citizens?

  Women won their independence years ago. After a long, bitter struggle, they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world.

  But the hard-fought battle for recognition is by no means over. Top-level political negotiation between countries, business and banking are almost entirely controlled by men, who jealously guard their so-called “rights”. Even in the very progressive places like Switzerland, women haven’t been given the vote. Women continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens. Women are said to be unreliable and irrational. They depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition and instinct to arrive at decisions. They are not even capable of thinking clearly.

  In fact, women have succeeded in many jobs, as politicians doctors, university professors, farmers, company directors, lawyers, bus-conductors, scientists, etc.. And we must remember that they frequently succeed brilliantly in all these fields in addition to bearing and rearing children. In conclusion, women have proved repeatedly that they are equal and sometimes even superior to men in many fields. The women should not belong to a different species.

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